Church Staff
Meet our staff who help make the ministries on campus happen
Elders and Deacons
Meet our leadership team of elders and deacons
The Elders are given authority and responsibility, along with pastors, to oversee the spiritual health of the congregation as well as the congregation’s faithfulness to God’s mission. Elders shall be elected by the congregation. (ECO Polity, 2.02 The Ministry of Elders).
Dennis Bray
Walt Cooley
Debbie George
Terri McNabb
Jim Bucknell
Rick Crabtree
Linda Dickinson
Patricia Mason
Julie Anderson
Don Jepson
La Mar Owens
David Zellman
If you wish to contact an individual elder regarding a concern, please contact the church office.
Ordinarily, the biblical office of deacon shall be utilized by the congregation. Deacons lead ministries that nurture fellowship and caregiving within and beyond the congregation. Deacons may also be asked to preach and teach. The congregation shall determine the manner in which they are selected for service. The session shall oversee and direct the ministry of the deacons. (ECO Polity, 2.03 The Ministry of Deacons)
The current Deacons are:
Class of 2024
Sandy Bucknell
Judy Glaister
Claire Graham
Chris Ott
Mike Sherman
Paula Sherman
Abel Tagre
Terrie Tagre
Margaret Wolfe
Class of 2025
Diana Beal
Liz Benson
Esther Bradfield
Shirley Brooks
Sally Lindberg
Donna Solari
Vicky Wolff
Class of 2026
Kathy Evans
Duane Kirk
Susan Kirk
Merilyn Lewis
Tara Mc Donnell
Dale Pederson
Sookie Smith
Lynda Venturini
Jenny Willmarth